How can I get in touch with Customer care?

If you have any questions or need assistance, our dedicated Customer Care team is here to help. You can reach us by visiting our Contact US Page, submitting your inquiry,and we will contact you as soon as possible. We're committed to providing you with the support you need.

How can I place an order?

  • Placing an order with SESH is easy and convenient. We've even created a step-by-step video guide to walk you through the process. If you require any assistance while ordering online, don't hesitate to reach out to our Customer Care team through our Contact Page. We're here to ensure that your shopping experience is seamless.
  • Will insert a video of how to create an order.

Can you recommend some products for my skin type?

Absolutely! We understand that every individual's skincare needs are unique. To receive personalized product recommendations based on your skin type and concerns, please complete the contact form on our website. Our knowledgeable Customer Care team will be delighted to assist you in selecting the perfect products for your skincare routine.

Can you send me a free sample?

We believe in offering our customers exceptional value. When you place an order with three or more items, you'll have the opportunity to receive product samples. Additionally, we encourage you to visit one of our physical locations at City Stars or Mall of Arabia to explore our entire range of Lovely SESH products.

Where can I buy your products?

SESH products are conveniently available for purchase online at SimplySESH.com. You can also find our products at our physical retail locations, located in City Stars and the Mall of Arabia. To locate these stores, please visit our Find Us Page for directions. (make them clickable on the find us page) 

What is special about your packaging?

At SESH, we prioritize thoughtful and functional packaging that enhances your skincare journey. Here's what makes our packaging stand out:

Serum: Our twist serum is designed with precision, considering both ease of use and durability. The air-tight and airless pump bottle not only keeps the formula pristine but also ensures long-lasting quality. This packaging is not just practical; it transforms the way you experience skincare.

Cream: Our cream's airless pump jar is carefully crafted to preserve the cream's quality over time. The packaging is not only aesthetically pleasing but also a sustainable choice for your skincare routine. It allows you to dispense just the right amount of product, minimizing waste. Plus, the cream base serves as a versatile canvas for blending different skincare products, giving you the freedom to customize your routine.

Cleansers: Our cleanser packaging is designed for ease of use and durability, ensuring your cleansing process is efficient and hassle-free. We believe that the quality of packaging can greatly impact your overall skincare experience.

Sunscreen: Our sunscreen comes in a perfect travel-sized container that fits comfortably in your hand. It's designed with your convenience in mind and is completely leak-proof. We understand the importance of hassle-free, on-the-go sun protection.

At SESH, we're passionate about packaging because we know it can transform your skincare journey. We're committed to delivering top-notch quality and user-friendly designs that elevate your skincare routine.

How do I store your products?

To ensure the longevity and effectiveness of our products, we recommend storing them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Some products, such as serums, may require refrigeration during the summer months, as indicated in the product instructions. While room temperature storage is generally suitable, refrigeration is safe for most products, except for a few exceptions.

What is the expiration date of your products?

Every SESH product is clearly labeled with its expiration date. Our products have a shelf life of two years when unopened and stored at an appropriate temperature. Once opened, we recommend using the product within six months to maintain its freshness and efficacy.

Is your product registered?

At SESH, your safety is our top priority. All our products have undergone rigorous testing and comply with legal standards and regulations. We are committed to delivering products that are legally approved and meet the highest quality and safety standards in the industry. Your trust in our brand is paramount to us.

If you have any additional questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Customer Care team through our Contact Page. We're here to provide you with the best possible skincare experience.